image of 769 Worthington St., and link to the main page
Day Center
Success Stories
The Future
Contact Info.

We provide shelter daily at two locations, 769 and 501-503 Worthngton Street.

At the 769 Worthington Street location
we provide the following Services

The Men’s Shelter is located here, and the phone number is 732-3069
This Shelter is for Single men 18 years of age or older
It opens for intake at 5:30PM and the men leave by 7:45AM Monday -through Fridays
On Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays intake is at 5:30PM but the men leave at 10:00AM

The Friendship Center which is what we call our Dining Hall is
Located in a building toward the back of this campus and the Tel. 732-3069
It is open Monday through Friday
for meals sserved at the following times.
8:30AM for Breakfast, 12:00 PM for Lunch, and 5:00 PM for Supper
Ask about the weekend hours by calling that same number.

We also have rental Housing available and the contact number is again 732-3069
Located on floors above the shelter location each floor has a common kitchen and many shared toilet and showering facilities. Each room has its own key, a bed, bureau, chair, clothes closet area and window.

We have 20 rooms that can be rented to females, and 40 rooms for males to rent.



At the 501-503 Worthington Street location
we provide the following Services

The Women’s Shelter with its telephone number of 734-9946
Is located at 503 Worthington Street and we can provide shelter for Single women 18 or older
We open for intake at 4:30pm and ask the woment to leave at 8:30am Daily

We operate a Day Center with a phone number of 734-9946
Also located on the ground floor of 503 Worthington Street, but are closed Sat, Sun, Holidays
Everyone is welcome to participate in our great programs here from 8:00AM - 4:30PM weekdays

We also have Apartments available and the phone number for them is 732-3069
They are located upstairs at 501 Worthington Street and consit of
18 well planned
efficiency apartments that are considred a Single Room Occupancy.





Outreach Services Available On Site
at the 769 Worthington Street location.

Healthcare for the Homeless
Dental Clinic (City of Springfield)
Social Worker (City of Springfield)



Apartments | Contacts | Day Center | Donations | Future | History | Home Page | Links | Meals | Mission | Servicess | Shelter | Stories | Volunteer



The Main Telephone number and Address for Friends of the Homeless and its many Services is

769 Worthington Street, Springfield, MA 01105(413) 732-3069


This page was provided by cek and the generosity of the hosting concerned individuals