Curriculum Vita - Resume

arranged Chronologically for

Charles E. (Charlie) Knight

current contact information
32 Byers St., Apt. # 101, Springfield, MA 01105-0221
Telephone [messages]. (413) 732-7077

Objectives: To use skills learned to solve problems and benefit of society as a whole.

Skill Sets as acquired:

1944 – 1954

Basic Speaking, Arithmetic, Spelling, writing, geography, developing art.

1955 – 1957

Use of Gestetner mimeograph, newsletter design, Clay modeling. Start going to Grange (Order of Patrons of Husbandry) functions with Mother and friends. Diagnosed as having Epilepsy. Sunday School, then Church activities.

1958 – 1962

Typewriting, showcase window designs, art, science, drafting skills, science projects. Lost half year of schooling, epilepsy but graduated. Joined the local Grange. Mom has MS now.

1963 – 1965

Famous Artists Schools (correspondence of Westport CT), Commercial Art, design, met with Norman Rockwell. Typist for Mother’s efforts on the Leffingwell Genealogy (updating the previous edition of 1897). Grange representative, officer & honors recipient. This link is some about a GrangeNewspaper correspondent, Berkshire Eagle, Berkshire Courier.

1966 – 1970

Berkshire Community College, Selective Liberal Studies (AA). Algebra, photography, Art, Theater, Independent News Paper, US Census, live in my own apartment. Back injury and then job as an orderly at St. Luke Hospital, Sisters of Providence, Pittsfield, MA. Umass classes, encounter with “Mafia”, FBI, etc. Moved 3 times. Preaching and “in Care” Status with U.C.C. Use Orderly training to be hired for a bit as Mom is now put in Nursing Home (MS is so bad).

VITA and VISTA job in gaining people employment through Urban League (Pittsfield), 30-day job with the State Tree Crew, District One (Pittsfield).  I worked as a US Dept. of Commerce Census worker, then went to U.Mass for a summer class - became involved in Transcendental Meditation.  Looking for truth and stability as my world crumbles around me.

1971 – 1972

Manpower Developmental Training Act. State Sanitary Code, Environmental Technician training, Associates Degree AS) in Environmental Technology (BCC) was granted while I was at TM teacher training in Italy.. Manning City Directory work. TM advertising, attend TM Teacher Training Classes, (Humboldt, CA, & Fiuggi, Italy) part of 108 and security for final training. Only 2 over me to allow you into room. Counselor at Meadowlark Camp for the Gifted Child.

1973 – 1974

More summers at Umass. Jug End in the Berkshires, menu for Thanksgiving turned into position in administration “Assistant to the Special Projects Manager”. Westenhook Historic Trail tour guide and cartographer, publicityist.

1975 – 1976

Do art for Town of New Marlborough and part of Bicentennial Commission. Map for the Westenhook Historic Trail, photography and calligraphy for Knox Trail re-enactment. (stolen)

1977 – 1978

Part of Southern Berkshire Community Action and the Berkshire Community Action Council art work & content creation for Lead Paint Poisoning Prevention Program in Berkshire County.

1979 – 1996

Did service as a Grange Chaplain for a friend. Because of this, asked to preach at New Boston Congregational Church. Later that year asked to be it’s pastor. Held that position through 1996.

1980 – 1981

Moved to Sandisfield, MA and later asked to be Activities Director at the New Boston Nursing Home until they found someone with appropriate job certifications. Bicycle accident Concussion.

1982 – 1992

Returned to New Marlborough to help and take care of my Uncle Harold who died of cancer in 1984. Did some independent art work, mowing lawns, caretaking, etc. Took care of my Dad. Amway Distributor. Helped in finishing of a log cabin prefab house with a friend. Melaleuca.

1993 – 1994

Cemetery Grounds mowing & upkeep in private South Egremont. Dad died because of an accident in the hospital. Buried Dad and girl friend has me drive with her down to Florida and I drive back. Took a long time getting back, miss Dad. Stayed with a friend in Pittsfield after Dad’s death. Then moved in to be a Life Coach with another friend. Am often sleeping in car when visiting places.

1995 – 1996

Left Life Coach job as some manipulation to have neighbor do the job and get paid for it by state. Simmons College worked on a two week basis as Office Team temp assigned as a staff assistant.

Worked on family home and then had to leave it for lawyers to deeds. Moved to Springfield and lived in my car and then the shelter and Worthington House. Started MCDI, offset printing. Because of Computer Sills there became hired at Info.Base, Springfield, home schooling project. St. David's Episcopal Church, vestry, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lector, & Eucharistic Visitor.

1997 – 2000

Went to Boston for MacWorld and stayed a bit. Learned more about computers and the Office program. Hired at Barnes and Nobley but returned to Springfield when accepted at S.T.C.C. Start Crime Watch Team and later housing Tenants Union, Monthly Birthday Parties. Area streets Clean-Up and Community Garden established. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society officer and won contest Washington, D.C. Intern for summer. Web page design, etc.

2001 – 2002

To STCC for computer programming and more on commercial art. Got Certificates Desktop Publishing & Webmaster. Associates degrees (AS) Commercial Art and Web Programming.

2003 – 2013

Regional Officer at Phi Theta Kappa, also Diversity Intern at UMass. Helped friend move into new home and after it flooded to help tear off parts so contractor could rehab it. Did not want to be “taken for a ride” as she was and started taking Architecture & Civil Engineering classes to be able to estimate costs. Active in Campus Civitan and its President. Many honors, awards and much activity on campus. Appointed Grand Lodge officer, 2009 bicycle accident, also served as Architecture, Art, & Computer Club officer. Arthritis Walk. and Relay for Life team captain. Web Page maintenance for Clutters Anonymous and CLA-East. Established Web Pages for various non-profits.

2014 – 2015

We win all Campus Civitan awards nationally we can win and regional convention moved to STCC in honor of those efforts. Awarded Civil Engineering Certificate and Landscape Design and Maintenance A.S. Obtain Recovery Learning Community grant for start up of S.C.A.R.F. a program to help people having traumatic events in their lives obtain & rehab a city/town owned house to a point of a certificate of occupancy and then interior remodel/decorate it themselves. Appointed a Grand Encampment Officer, continued as D.D.G.Marshall in local installing suite.

2016 – 2017

Elected to I.O.O.F. local Lodge offices and active in local Civic Association and Neighborhood councils Concluding 8 years of participation in the Western Mass. Regional Network to End homelessness, board member of Friends of the Homeless & Hampden County Continuum of Care.

2018 - ????

Graduated from Green Skills and Citizen Scientist programs and elected Junior Warden of the Grand Encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Elected as as second term as President of the Armoury Quadrangle Civic Association and as Noble Grand of both Springfield Lodge # 235 and Amity Lodge # 172, I.O.O.F. Started construction skills classes which also includes sheet metal fabrication, always wanted to know what a worker needs to do so can design appropriately for that work. Completed O.S.H.A. training and would like also to become a trainer.

Computer Macintosh, MS Windows, and UNIX/Linux operating systems Software   - Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher & Outlook Express) & MS Front Page; Adobe (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Frehand, PageMaker, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoDeluxe, GoLive;), Quark XPress; & "Works" plus many more. Also these languages: C, C++, DHTML, HTML, JavaScript, Perl, SQL, XML

Some Past Employment  

CRLA certified Part-Time Professional Information Technology Dept. tutor
---Tutored students in labs and assisted in fast paced computer related classrooms 10/2002 — 06-2006

Office of Information Technology Paid Intern, nss, OIT, UMass Summer 2003
---Received, Shipped, displayed books and assisted with customer service
06-2003 — 08-2003

Part Time Stock Clerk, STCC College Bookstore
---Received, Shipped, displayed books and assisted with customer service
08/2000 — 12/2007

Work/Study at Springfield Technical Community College
---Maintained Computer Lab, Prepared Photographic Lab, Research, Scanned Images 10/1998 — 08/2000

Temp. Staff Assistant. Corp. (Dietary Prog.), Simmons College, Boston, MA
---Normal duties for assistant to this Graduate Program’s Department Head. 09/1996 — 12/1996

Hourly worker at InfoBase. Corp. (Life-Pack textbook Proj.), Springfield, MA
---Colorized Images with Adobe Photoshop & set up textbooks with QuarkXPress 07/1995 — 01/1996

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